Thursday, December 7, 2006

trip to langkawi!!!!!!!

last fri i juz hv a trip wth my whole clzmate.......the hotel we stay r reli bad,unbelieveable.....teruk man....the food more teruk.......cant imagine it....the last day of the breakfast i juz eat little bit then go to eat mcdonald wth my last there r gd food to eat......but i also hv fun coz take so many photo wth my clz mate.......during the tour time its the most fun time coz tat time we take photo non-stop langkawi i buy so many chocolate for my family n not 4get to my sis lo...if not she will kill me le.....hehe...i also buy beer to drink at hotel....cheer wth my fren...hehe...cant believe i so cha wan la....drink a little bit face also feel hot n dizzy d.....tat day my 2 fren drink till vomit...siau wan la.....haha.i wont 4get the sweet memories we hv in u all man....dht 2 rocks!!!!!!!

look at tat pic......we take it while waiting for the ferry....the two of them is my fren....cute le...sum more v leng lui o......yin pheng the green colour shirt n ching yee the white colour wan......wei...yin pheng y ur face like tat 1.....i v scary meh????ching yee ppl take photo u look at wat le????leng cai le....haha.....

tis is the guy group...."nan ren zhu"some of them missing.who is the most leng cai le??????let me c......sure 1 of them wan.....but dun wan tell ar...haha...let them "sam c c" if not later hidung tinggi pula.....

tis is the "nu ren zu" but some of them is missing leng cai sure got leng lui also wan.....hehe.....u think who le???haha....