Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bye-bye to kampar....

Its time for me and all of us to say bye-bye to kampar.....
i will miss kampar so muchie....
at here there are many sweet memory in my heart ....
have been here for almost 4 year..... its juz like my second home here.....
i will miss ghany, long fung kuk, heng long and many more.....
i will miss ghany de neslo ice and food,long fung kuk de chicken rice and milo ice, heng long de rice, and bla bla bla.......
this is the second time we all goin to seperate again......
this time i promise myself not to cry like last time.......leave wth happy...haha
writing this blog make me remember the time we hv at DHT 2....
at here i made new friends, found the half person in my life, and many more.....
help our friends to celebrate birthday in many ways......
laughter, sadness will always be in my heart.......
although some of my fellow frends are not here right now but our diploma memory and time together are still fresh in my mine......
friday will be the last day for us in kampar......and some tomolo will be their last day......
after this mayb will not be bek to kampar because all will be bz looking for job or goin to matter wat i hope we will still keep in touch and dun forget me....haha...
My name is Lim Wy Gynn....wahaha

finally, i willlllll misssssss kampar so so so muchhhhhh......
bye bye.......T_T

Sunday, January 18, 2009


resting time.........
the last and important final exam in my life.......
this exam can make me cant graduate on time or can graduate on time......
this making me more stress and scared.......
tomolo will be the 1st paper which is e-commerce.......
this few days keep on stick with the note d......

every time when there is a exam everybody also will feel stress....
for me when exam i feel stress and my mouth cannot stop finding food to eat.....^_^
read read for a while i will go find thing to eat or chew.....
if not my mind cannot function....will die.....
the worst is that exam b4 chinese new year and also chinese new year are around the corner.....more worst and more no mood study.....
some more make me more fat coz keep on eat eat eat and eat.....fat d lo how to wear nice shirt during chinese new year...hai....damn
everyday hear my neighbour open chinese new year song....
so got chinese new year feel...haha...
and the more i cannot concentrated......

praying for hv a good result this final exam.....
all the best for me and also all my friends.....
gambateh kudasai........

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

幸福的抉择(i do)

Xin fu de jue zhe....
A.K.A I DO......
one of the fish leung new album and also one of the new movie in astro on demand.

名媛符明珠是个自信及自尊极强的女子,是台北时装巨人符志强的独生女,万千宠爱在一身。年轻时跟设计师李俊仁热恋,抛开一切逃国外结婚。李俊仁在符明珠栽培下,在时装界渐露头角,女的期望着男的感激;但丈夫那肯承认是妻子栽培!热恋过后,符明珠才发觉婚姻生活及二人世界,不能满足她对人生及工作上的慾望。 为了挽救这段感情,符明珠怀孕,心底处却对未来抱着患得患失 ,为了远赴一次美国出差,符明珠提早剖腹产下六个月大的儿子李浩哲,乳名浩哲。这事令李俊仁气怒不已,夫妻情亦因此决裂,李俊仁不想攀着妻子外家的?係而另起炉灶,创立年青服装品牌,符明珠为避人言可畏,隻身离开台北往国外发展! 这失败的早婚除了令符明珠及李俊仁的心头留下伤痛下,亦给下一代带来了一份难以言喻遗憾,浩哲因为自小没母亲?係,脸上总有着一股冷莫的冰冻,跟父亲格格不入,跟后母任玲玲水火不融!跟一般年轻人一样,他心底中追求着一个自己建立的家!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Lee Hom (HEART BEAT) 心跳 album

Recently feel bored hearing the same song......
so decide to search for new song in KUGOU......
search and search.......
then found Lee Hom new album.....
this new album not bad......
got 2 song that i love .....
心跳 and 另一个天堂。。。。。、

Thursday, January 1, 2009

happy new year 2009

wish everyone a happy 2009...
bye bye 2008....
a new year and a new beginning.
wish all my friends have a happy life in the 2009 year.

how i celebrate my countdown????
this year i celebrate it in kampar, in my room wth my laptop and television.
this year countdown a bit bored.
compare to last year wan.....i like last year wan more that this year.
last year i celebrate it at THE CURVE.
get to watch beautiful firework live.
this year get to watch firework at TV..sob sob......
and this is the 1st time that kampar was packe wth so many people.
yest have a live stage performance at KIM KEONG.
around 11.45 pm dataran kampar packed wth lots of car and lots of people.
some sitting to watch the performance and some is standing around the corner wait for countdown.....
me n my dear stand at the window and watch....haha.....